1985年大学于毕业于华中农业大学,1989年硕士毕业于河南农业大学,1994年博士毕业于华南农业大学。曾先后在 云南农业大学、广州大学原广州师范学院和广州大学等单位任教。2000年1月至2000年6月作为访问学者在美国堪萨斯州立大学农学系从事合作研究工作, 2000年7月至2003年7月作为博士后和研究专家在美国俄克拉荷马州立大学从事小麦的分子育种和功能基因组学研究工作,2004年2月至2006年1 月作为生物技术学家在国际干旱地区农业研究中心从事大麦和小麦抗旱的分子育种和功能基因组的研究工作。在广州大学(包括原广州师范学院)工作期间,先后讲 授了“生物化学”、“植物生理学”、“植物光合作用专题”、“高级生物化学”、“实用酶学”和“分子生物学”等课程。
先后主持和参与了国内外科研项目十多项,在研的项目有国际合作项目、国家自然科学基金、广州市科技计划、广州市教育局科 研项目、广州市归国留学人员研究基金等。主要从事作物的分子育种、功能基因组学以及相关的生物技术等领域的研究工作,先后发表研究论文30多篇,其中 SCI论文8篇。2006年一篇第一作者的研究论文荣获国际干旱地区农业研究中心唯一的“杰出科学论文”。
1. Guo P, Baum M, Grando S, Ceccarelli S, Li R, Valkoun J (2008) QTLs for chlorophyll and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in barley under post-flowering drought. Euphytica, 163:203–214
2. Varshney RK, Thiel T, Sretenovic-Rajicic T, Baum M, Valkoun J, Guo P, Grando S, Ceccarelli S, Graner A. (2008) Identification and validation of a core set of informative genic SSR and SNP markers for assaying functional diversity in barley. Molecular Breeding, 22: 1-13
3. Kalaji H and Guo P. Chlorophyll Fluorescence: A Useful Tool In Barley Plant Breeding Programs. In: Photochemistry Research Progress (Sánchez A and Gutierrez SJ Eds, 2008, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., pp439-463
4. Baum M, van Korff M, Guo P, Lakew B, Udupa SM, Sayed H, Choumane W, Grando S and Ceccarelli S. Molecular Approaches and Breeding Strategies for Drought Tolerance in Barley. In: Genomics assisted crop improvement (Varshney R. and Tuberosa R, eds), 2007, Springer, pp51-79
5. Guo P, Bai G, Carver B, Li R, Bernardo A, Baum M (2007) Transcriptional analysis between two wheat near-isogenic lines contrasting in aluminum (Al) tolerance under Al stress. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 277:1-12
6. Bernardo A, Bai G, Guo P, Xiao K, Guenzi A, Ayoubi P (2007) Fusarium graminearum-induced changes in gene expression between Fusarium head blight-resistant and susceptible wheat cultivars. Functional and Integrative Genomics, 7: 69-77
7. Guo P, Baum M, Li R, Grando S, Varshney RK, Valkoun J, Ceccarelli S, Graner A (2007) Differentially Expressed Genes between Two Barley Cultivars Contrasting in Drought Tolerance. Molecular Plant Breeding, 5:181-183
8. Li R, Guo P, Bai G, Ayoubi P (2007) Gene Expression Profiles of Wheat Under Aluminum Stress Using Microarrays. Letters in Biotechnology, 18(4): 581-586
9. Guo P, Bai G, Li R, Carver B, Baum M (2007) Molecular characterization of Atlas 66-derived wheat near-isogenic lines contrasting in Aluminum (Al) tolerance. Agricultural Sciences in China, 6:522-528
1. Guo P, Bai G, Li R, Shaner G, Baum M (2006) Resistance gene analogs associated with FHB resistance in wheat. Euphytica, 151: 251-261
2. Li R, Guo P, Baum M, Grando S and Ceccarelli S (2006) Evaluation of chlorophyll content and fluorescence parameters as indicators of drought tolerance in barley. Agricultural Sciences in China, 5:751-757
3. Zhang X, Zhou M, Lijuan Ren, Bai G, Ma H, Scholten O, Guo P, Lu W (2004) Molecular characterization of Fusarium head blight resistance from wheat variety Wangshuibai. Euphytica, 139: 59-64
4. Guo P, Bai G, Shane r G (2003) AFLP and STS tagging of a major QTL for Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat. Theor Appl Genet, 106: 1011-1017
5. Bai G, Guo P and Kolb FL (2003) Genetic Relationships among Fusarium Head Blight Resistant Cultivars of Wheat Assessed on the Basis of Molecular Markers. Crop Science, 43: 498-507.
Guo P, Al-Khatib K (2003) Temperature effects on germination and growth of redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), Palmer amaranth (A. palmeri), and common waterhemp (A. rudis). Weed Science, 51: 869-875.