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[建言献策] 武穴如何才能成为地级市

发表于 2014-12-26 20:17:38 | 只看该作者
酷酷水灵 发表于 2014-12-26 20:10
你们非要驳嘴吵架,就在这个贴里吵~   不过 我要告诉你们一声,这个贴的主题,感兴趣的人该看的都看了,回 ...

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发表于 2014-12-26 20:24:16 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2014-12-26 20:28:08 | 只看该作者



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发表于 2014-12-26 20:30:26 | 只看该作者
What is fecal incontinence?

Fecal incontinence, also called a bowel control problem, is the accidental passing of solid or liquid stool or mucus from the rectum. Fecal incontinence includes the inability to hold a bowel movement until reaching a toilet as well as passing stool into one’s underwear without being aware of it happening. Stool, also called feces, is solid waste that is passed as a bowel movement and includes undigested food, bacteria, mucus, and dead cells. Mucus is a clear liquid that coats and protects tissues in the digestive system.

Fecal incontinence can be upsetting and embarrassing. Many people with fecal incontinence feel ashamed and try to hide the problem. However, people with fecal incontinence should not be afraid or embarrassed to talk with their health care provider. Fecal incontinence is often caused by a medical problem and treatment is available.
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发表于 2014-12-26 20:31:06 | 只看该作者
◾Is there any treatment for fecal incontinence?

Fortunately, effective treatments are available for fecal incontinence. Treatment for fecal incontinence can help improve or restore bowel control. Depending on the cause of your incontinence, treatment may include dietary changes, medications, special exercises that help you better control your bowels, or surgery.

Foods that can cause diarrhea and worsen fecal incontinence include spicy foods, fatty and greasy foods, cured or smoked meat, and dairy products (especially if you are lactose intolerant). Caffeine-containing beverages can act as laxatives, as can products which contain artificial sweeteners (e.g., sugar-free gum and diet soda). Several anti-diarrheal agents (e.g., loperamide, anticholinergic agents, clonidine, bile salt binding agents, alosetron) that can effectively treat diarrhea are now available. Some of these agents (e.g., loperamide) are available over-the-counter while others are prescription only. Some medications work better for patients than others.

If you have constipation, your doctor may suggest that you eat fiber-rich foods, and prescribe fiber supplements. On the other hand, if you have diarrhea, your doctor may recommend anti-diarrheal medications (e.g., loperamide (Imodium)) or fiber supplements to help bind stool.

If fecal incontinence is due to a lack of anal sphincter control or decreased awareness of the urge to defecate, you may benefit from a bowel retraining program and exercise therapies that will help you improve muscle strength in the vicinity of your anus. In some cases, bowel training means learning to go to the toilet at a specific time of day. For example, your doctor may recommend that you make a conscious effort to have a bowel movement after eating. This helps you gain greater control by establishing with some predictability when you need to use the toilet. Most agree that use of loperamide comprises a first line treatment for fecal incontinence, before moving to biofeedback. In other cases, bowel training involves an exercise therapy called biofeedback. For fecal incontinence, biofeedback involves inserting a pressure-sensitive probe into your anus. This probe registers the strength of your anal sphincter. You can practice sphincter contractions and learn to strengthen your own muscles by viewing the scale's readout as a visual aid. These exercises can strengthen your rectal muscles. It is also possible to improve rectal sensation with biofeedback therapy.

If you leak large amounts of stool frequently, consider applying a moisture-barrier cream to prevent direct contact between irritated skin and feces. Ask your doctor to recommend a product. Be sure the area is clean and dry before you apply any cream. Non-medicated talcum powder or cornstarch also may help relieve anal discomfort. Wear cotton underwear and loose clothing and change your soiled underwear quickly. If you use pads or adult diapers, be sure they have an absorbent wicking layer on top; this layer wicks moisture away from your skin.

If a rigorous trial of the conservative measures specified above is not effective, surgery or a less invasive procedure (e.g., sacral nerve stimulation, injection of biomaterials) may be considered.

The sacral nerves travel from the spinal cord to muscles in the pelvis. These nerves regulate rectal sensation and strength of the anal sphincter muscles. Sacral nerve stimulation is carried out in stages. First, small needles are positioned in the sacral nerves traveling from the spinal cord to muscles of your lower bowel, and these muscles are stimulated by an external pulse generator to identify which muscle stimulates anal contractions the most. The muscle response to the stimulation generally isn't uncomfortable. If this procedure improves symptoms over 2-3 weeks, a permanent pulse generator may be implanted.

Injection of a silicone-based material into the anal sphincter may improve incontinence by narrowing the anal canal.

A sphincteroplasty, which is an operation to repair a damaged anal sphincter, may be beneficial in women who have fecal incontinence due to anal sphincter damage caused by childbirth. Other operations, such as an artificial sphincter or a muscle transplant (graciloplasty) are not done very often because they are often associated with complications. A colostomy is the last resort to treat fecal incontinence. A colostomy is an operation that diverts stool through an opening in the abdomen instead of through the rectum. A special bag is attached to this opening to collect the stool.

There are many options to help patients with fecal incontinence. Make an appointment with a gastroenterologist for an evaluation.

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发表于 2014-12-26 20:33:33 | 只看该作者
小椰树 发表于 2014-12-26 20:31
◾Is there any treatment for fecal incontinence?

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发表于 2014-12-26 20:38:41 | 只看该作者

秽语症(obscene words,filth),就是指通过语言性性活动而获得性感满足的习惯和癖好,也叫猥亵语言症,一般为法律和习俗所限定不宜公开的与性有关的语言,通常为反社会,反自然的性欲和性行为的纯色情描述,基本表现为色情话语,文字符号和特殊音响。
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发表于 2014-12-26 20:50:15 | 只看该作者
苏伟峰 发表于 2014-12-26 20:24


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发表于 2014-12-26 20:50:17 | 只看该作者


Nocturnal emission

A nocturnal emission or wet dream is a spontaneous orgasm during sleep that includes ejaculation for a male, or vaginal wetness or an orgasm (or both) for a female. Nocturnal emissions are most common during adolescence and early young adult years, but they may happen any time after puberty. It is possible for men to wake up during a wet dream or simply to sleep through it, but for women, some researchers have added the requirement that she should also awaken during the orgasm and perceive that the orgasm happened before it counts as a wet dream. Vaginal lubrication alone does not mean that the female had an orgasm.
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发表于 2014-12-26 20:58:37 | 只看该作者
酷酷水灵 发表于 2014-12-26 20:50


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