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发布时间: 2015-6-17 13:45


麻城惊现绿色人参---黄秋葵 http://bbs.cnhubei.com/thread-3744622-1-1.html (出处: 东湖社区)


开水 发表于 2015-7-25 22:03:42
夜游神 发表于 2015-7-23 01:07:28
小椰树 你需要补补  补补更健康 祝你长寿
小椰树 发表于 2015-7-20 17:37:26

Flavor 和 Nutrition 都值得武穴人研究....{:soso_e144:}
小椰树 发表于 2015-7-20 17:31:23

Flavored milk is milk that has sugar, colorings and (mostly inexpensive artificial) flavorings added to make it more appetizing, especially to children. It can be sold as a powder to be added to plain milk, or bought pre-mixed alongside other milk products. Flavoring can be included in a straw, and some flavored milk products are designed as dietary supplements by including additional vitamins or minerals.

Bottled spiced (masala) milk is a popular beverage in the Indian subcontinent. Other companies provide flavored beverages in the United Kingdom, which sells packaged beverages to the mobile vendor market. Australia has the highest consumption rate of flavored milk in the world, standing at 9.5 liters per capita in 2004.

中美两国牛奶对比 中国奶口感好美国奶更健康
小椰树 发表于 2015-7-20 17:31:10
天之痕 发表于 2015-7-20 12:27
我都是凉拌吃,很爽口!(先在开水里抄一下,然后过一下凉水,沥干水后用刀切开,拌醋吃,也可以根据个人 ...

天之痕 发表于 2015-7-20 12:27:36
小椰树 发表于 2015-7-15 18:41
这个菜,前两天小椰树买的吃了——很好吃,炒 3-5 分钟就熟了!值得推广!


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