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[武穴资讯] 不是说阿里巴巴7月中旬正式签约吗?现在什么情况?

发表于 2013-7-20 13:17:52 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2013-7-20 14:53:27 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2013-7-21 08:52:21 来自手机 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2013-7-21 18:35:07 | 只看该作者
小椰树     你发这些有用吗
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发表于 2013-7-22 13:48:02 | 只看该作者

新华网北京7月21日电 据新华社新华视点微博报道,21日上午,习近平来到湖北考察,一下飞机就冒雨来到武汉新港阳逻集装箱港区。雨下得很大,积水没过了脚面。他卷起裤腿,打着雨伞,向工作人员了解物流等情况。谈了10多分钟,雨水打湿了他的衬衫。他说,长江流域要加强合作,发挥内河航运作用,把全流域打造成黄金水道。

武汉新港由武汉、鄂 州、黄冈、咸宁4市港口岸线统一规划建设而成,目标是“亿吨大港、千万标箱”。阳逻集装 箱港是武汉新港的江北核心港,去年集装箱吞吐量达到76.48万标箱,今年上半年实现40.36万标箱,同比增长8.93%。
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发表于 2013-7-22 13:50:25 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2013-7-22 13:53:39 | 只看该作者
中国内陆国际贸易崛起 跨国物流巨头抢滩布局




在国际国内经济下行和中国沿海地区进出口放缓的大背景下,中国内陆地区正成为承接全球产业转移的重要目的地。数据显示,今年上半年,除了排名第一的天津外,深处内陆的重庆、贵州、四川、陕西纷纷跻身中国GDP增速榜单前五。进出口方面,今年前三季度,中国进出口总额28425亿美元,同比增长6.2%。但中西部地区进出口在全球金融危机中逆势整体大幅攀升:新疆前三季度出口88.6亿美元,增长14.9%。 四川省实现出口279.2亿美元,增长42.8%。重庆外贸进出口总额403.6亿美元,同比增长120%。其中,重庆出口293.7亿美元,增长1.5倍,进口109.9亿美元,增长69%。作为中国内陆继浦东、滨海之后的改革开放标志性区域,今年前三季度,中国内陆首个国家级开发开放新区重庆两江新区对外贸易增势强劲,进出口总值达168.5亿美元,同比增长279.3%。进出口增长近3倍,前三季度完成总额已超过前两年总和。这表明中国扩大和刺激曾经薄弱的中西部市场的决策效应正逐渐显现,其高速的成长性正成为国际贸易的新绿洲。


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发表于 2013-7-22 13:57:03 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2013-7-22 14:06:09 | 只看该作者

2012-10-30 17:50   文章来源:鹿特丹港务局

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发表于 2013-7-22 14:11:04 | 只看该作者
Logistics park creates new links out west
http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bus ... ontent_15941499.htm

Updated: 2012-10-12 08:03
By Lu Hongyan and Wang Xiaodong ( China Daily)

Logistics park creates new links out west

Han Song (second right), deputy mayor of Xi'an and Party chief of the Xi'an International Trade and Logistics Park, inspects a key project in the park. The park's leadership vowed to make a greater economic contribution to the city.

The Xi'an International Trade and Logistics Park will play a vital role in the modernization of China's western areas and will help close the gap with the more-developed eastern coastal regions, said Han Song, deputy mayor of Xi'an, and Party chief of the park.

With the goal of becoming China's largest international inland port, the park can greatly increase the development and openness of the western areas, Han said.

A graduate of a top university of foreign trade, Han is very familiar with foreign trade and business, and he has a profound understanding of the field.

The 47-year-old deputy mayor can speak fluent English and took part in the WTO negotiations when he worked in the State Council.

His experience working in the State Council, the Ministry of Commerce and State Industry and Commerce Administration helped Han to be successful at attracting investment to Xi'an after he became the deputy mayor in 2006.

In the past years, Han made great contributions to the city's export-oriented economy and created the largest inland port in West China, which has greatly improved the city's investment environment and attracted a number of large international enterprises and projects into Xi'an, such as the grand Samsung project.

China's eastern coastal areas developed rapidly in the three decades that have passed since China adopted the reform and opening policy. Proximity to seaports played an important role in the process.

Because Xi'an is the economic center of western China and the largest hub city on the Chinese section of the Euro-Asia railway bridge, building an inland port there will promote an open economy in the whole western area and encourage the development of an outbound economy, Han said.

Since the Xi'an International Trade and Logistics Park was set up in 2008 in Xi'an, capital city of China's Northwest Shaanxi province, an inland international port has taken shape and is running smoothly.

Foreign trade volume in the park has been increasing at an annual rate of more than 50 percent. Port-based economy has also developed. The park played a role in attracting investment from some of the world's top 500 enterprises.

The inland port functions through the synergy of three projects - the Xi'an Railway Container Transport Center, the Xi'an Comprehensive Free Trade Zone and the Xi'an highway hub.

The Xi'an Comprehensive Free Trade Zone enables northwestern China to have the same advantages in processing trade and free trade logistics that coastal ports have, which has reduced the cost of and time needed for foreign trade done in inland China.

Meanwhile, it also provides favorable conditions for inland areas to develop an outbound economy and modern services, such as international trade and outsourcing.

The Xi'an Railway Container Transport Center project is a key link that allows China to promote international container transport in inland China. It will facilitate good transport and reduce losses and the cost of transportation for enterprises.

The Xi'an highway hub project can integrate such functions as transportation management, shipment, logistics and information, and it can provide comprehensive services for logistics enterprises in the region.

It has been listed by the Ministry of Transport as a large national road transport hub.

Functions of the three projects are integrated through information technology and act as the core of the Xi'an International Trade and Logistics Park.

By taking advantage of the advanced transportation of Xi'an, the trade and logistics park has also established strategic relations with some major coastal ports, such as those in Shanghai, Tianjin and Lianyungang in eastern China, and the border ports of Horgos and Alataw Pass in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in western areas of China.

This vast and well-connected logistics network will effectively increase the openness of the northwestern region, promote the development of an outbound economy in the region and increase competitiveness of local industries in the international market.

The development of the trade and logistics park will bring benefits to all of western China and Xi'an in particular. It will greatly facilitate international trade for the city and breed a port-based economic area, which will help the city to attract international investment and promote its own enterprises to the world.

After the park is completed, it will become a world-class modern service industry zone in western China, and the service industry will account for a significant share of Xi'an's economy. The city will become China's biggest inland international port city and join the club of international metropolises.

In addition, the environment for foreign trade and investment in the whole western area of China will be improved.

This will bring opportunities for the creation of an outbound economy.

The park will open up inland China and bring about all-around economic development in the region.
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