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发表于 2008-8-21 15:17:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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<p class="a">奥运会无疑是一个了不起的赛事,但是它到底会花掉多少钱?</p><p class="a">美国著名参议员Everitt Dirksen曾经打趣道:“这里花十亿,那里花十亿,没多久你会发现花钱花大发了。”大家好象有了这样的共识,在重大政治或国际事务中,钱根本不算什么。比如说眼下的奥运会。举办一届全世界最重要的体育赛事要花费多少,它又能带来多少收入?你能在下文找到所有问题的答案,准备好别被吓倒。</p><p class="a">看看国际奥委会的奥运会营销简报,你会震惊于上面的天文数字,简报上的财务数据都是四舍五入到百万美元。文件上详细地介绍了2002年冬季奥运会与2004年夏季奥运会创收41.89亿美元的原因。这些收入来自于奥运特许经营权和门票收入,不过最主要的还是来自于电视转播权和赞助商。</p><p class="a">区区两届体育赛事赚取41.89亿,这看上去似乎有些不可思议。据预测北京奥运会的还会更加“有油水”。中国日报报道,北京奥运会的直接收入将达到20多亿美元,这使北京奥运会很轻松地成为历史上盈利最佳的奥运会。利润将用在何处?答案是交给国际奥委会——出售赞助权和电视转播权的机构。</p><p class="a">单单就北京而言,奥运相关的工程花费远远超出奥运会所能带来的收入。有人说新机场航站楼和奥运会比赛并没有什么直接的关系。但是作为北京奥组委改善北京的交通设施和空气质量承诺的一部分,机场航站楼为北京申奥成功贡献了力量。</p><p class="a">根据新华社和BBC的报道,此次奥运会的共投资420多亿美元用于基础设施建设,其中200多亿用于在过去的10年中改善城市的污染。另外,北京的市容改善也会吸引更多非奥运项目投资。</p><p><span class="a">面对如此巨大的数字,钱似乎已经失去了它原有的价值。不管花费多少,是谁花的,与象征着和平,和谐,团结的世界体育盛会相比,都显得无足轻重。体育精神远远比金钱更重要,这也是奥运风靡世界的原因。</span><br/></p><p>The Olympics sure is an amazing event, but how much does it all cost?</p><p>A famous US Senator, Everitt Dirksen, once quipped "A billion dollars here, a billion dollars there, and after awhile you are talking about a lot of money."And so it seems that perhaps in governance and international affairs, a one pound coin has no real value. Take the Olympics for example. How much money does it cost to run the world's most important international sporting event? And how much money is made? Find all the answers below, and prepare to be staggered!</p><p>One look at the International Olympic Committee's Olympic Marketing Factfile, and one is already astounded at the amount of money involved. The financial figures shown are rounded to the nearest million dollars. The document goes on to explain that the 2002 Winter Olympics and the 2004 Summer Olympics generated $4,189,000,000 in revenue together. This was through merchandising and ticket sales, but mainly through the sale of broadcasting and sponsorship rights.</p><p>Four billion one hundred and eighty nine million dollars may seem like a ridiculously large sum of money to be created for a couple of sports festivals. However, it is predicted that the Beijing Olympics will be even more lucrative. According to the China Daily, the Beijing Olympics is set to produce over $2 billion in direct revenue alone, and is easily set to become the most profitable games in history. Profitable for whom? The International Olympic Committee – the organisation who sells sponsorship and broadcasting rights.</p><p>As far as the city of Beijing is concerned, the amount of money it has spent on projects 'related' to the Olympics dwarfs the amount of revenue it will receive. One may argue that the construction of an extra airport terminal has no direct link to a 100 metre sprint, but had BOCOG not had plans to improve the city's transport infrastructure and air quality in place, it is questionable whether or not Beijing would have won their Olympic bid.</p><p>According to Xinhua and the BBC, overall infrastructure costs come in at over $42 billion, including over $20 billion which has been spent on improving the city's pollution levels in the last ten years. On one side of the coin, Beijing's facelift will attract a lot more non-Olympic related investment. <br/>With figures this big, some would say that money loses its value. No matter how many billions of dollars are spent by whom, there is no price that can be put on the importance of a world-unifying sporting festival, with an underlying message of peace and harmony. It is this spirit, over money, that really makes the world go around.</p>

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