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[社情民意] 打开电脑看到的新闻,人神共愤

发表于 2014-8-13 19:14:41 | 显示全部楼层
武穴一把手 发表于 2014-8-13 14:23

原标题:唐 ...

抓原创,不百度,出头条...... 补课?补课是麽东西??


“武穴一把手”在免费补课,呵呵  发表于 2014-8-17 16:33
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发表于 2014-8-13 19:23:46 | 显示全部楼层
Degrees in Health Journalism

A degree program in health journalism will give you knowledge in science and health topics, and it will also train you to report health stories in various media. This journalism specialization is typically studied at the graduate levels. Find out what courses you'd take in a master's program in health journalism, and check the admission requirements and career options. Schools offering Journalism degrees can also be found in these popular choices.

What Type of Degrees Are Offered in Health Journalism?

You'll find many journalism degrees offered at bachelor's and doctoral degree levels, but if you're interested in studying health journalism, you must generally enroll in a master's degree program. You may find science and health journalism degrees offered at the bachelor's level, but these programs are rare. Some master's programs combine coursework in health journalism and health communication. You can also enroll in a dual degree program offering a Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) and a Master of Journalism (M.J.).

Health journalism degrees are typically offered through on-campus programs. If you want to study via distance education, you can find an online program in health communication with a focus on public relations and marketing.
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