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[武穴资讯] 湖北南洋花园酒店

发表于 2007-8-6 16:53:53 | 显示全部楼层 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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<湖北南洋花园酒店简介:  武穴市素有三省通衢之称,东望庐山,西接李时珍故乡蕲州,南临长江,北靠大别山余脉;黄黄高速公路横穿东西,京九铁路贯穿南北,交通便捷,景色怡人。 湖北南洋花园酒店座落于武穴市中心,紧临市政府,是由新加坡外商独资,按三星级旅游涉外酒店标准改造,具有南洋建筑装饰风格的现代化多功能酒店。南洋花园酒店授权武汉江汉(国际)饭店管理公司以科学的管理方法管理。酒店以先进的设施设备、殷勤的服务态度务求以满足任何一位宾客的各种要求,到武穴公干旅游、居停会展非南洋花园酒店莫属矣....... Wuxue,generally known as "the thoroughfare leading to three provinces",faces the Lushan Mountain in the east,standing close to Qizhou.the hometown of Li Shizhen in the west,faces the Yangtze River in the sourh. and leans the Dabie Mountains in the north,with the Huanggang-Huangshi Expressway streching across the east and the west,the Beijing-Kowloon Raiway extending through the south and the north,which provides a convenient traffic as well as a pleasant landscape. Located in the center of Wuxue and adjacent to the municipal government,Hubei Nan Yang Garden Hotel is solely invested by businessmen from singapore,and built according to the standard for three-star hotel which is the first foreign-inevsted enterprise in Wuxue and a modern multifunctional hotel with Southeast Asia-style architecture. Under the management of Wuhan Janghan (international) Hotel Management Go., Ltd., Nan Yang Garden Hotel makes every guest wish ils advanced installations &facilities and attentive service .Nan Yang Garden Hotel is the best choice for your business travel, conference and exhibition in WuXue. </p><p><br/>联系方式:<br/>地址:湖北省武穴市民主路10号<br/>电话总机:0713-6259158<br/>前台接待:0713-6259159<br/>餐厅订餐:0713-6259177<br/>酒店传真:0713-6259189<br/>邮政编码:435400<br/><a href="http://www.hotel-nanyanggarden.com/">http://www.hotel-nanyanggarden.com/<;/a><br/>E-Mail:hbwxny@163.com


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-6 16:54:52 | 显示全部楼层
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